Friday 4 September 2020

New Book, Coming Soon...

After four years (yes, I know!) you might have wondered if you were ever going to see a new book from me (and that's the subject of a whole other blog post!).

So today I am thrilled to show you the cover of my new book, You Make It Feel Like Christmas, which will be out on 22nd September 2020. Isn't it beautiful? 

If you follow me on Facebook you might have already had a sneak preview because I couldn't resist posting the cover when I heard the news that ITV will be filming their new series of I'm A Celebrity here in North Wales, at Gwrych Castle - just down the road from where I used to live. I love watching I'm a Celebrity and Gwrych Castle is one of my favourite Welsh castles.

What does that have to do with my new book? Well...

For twenty years the Holly family have used their television show to claim that anyone can have a perfectly organised Christmas.

Now they've been asked 
to prove it - from a tumbledown castle in the middle of nowhere...

Well, at least no one will be eating bugs in my book!

If you'd like to know more about You Make It Feel Like Christmas, all the details are on my website, along with a short extract.

And if you're a book blogger, maybe you'd be interested in joining the book tour organised by the lovely Rachel over at Rachel's Random Resources?